

Annual Percentage Rate

Annual Percentage Yield
From $50.00 and up 0.01% 0.01%

Share Certificates (Early Withdrawal Penalty May Apply)

Term Annual Percentage Rate Annual Percentage Yield
3 month SC ($1,000 minimum) 3.25% 3.290%
6 month SC ($1,000 minimum) 3.65% 3.700%
12 month SC ($1,000 minimum) 3.75% 3.803%
18 month SC ($1,000 minimum) 3.00% 3.034%
24 month SC ($1,000 minimum) 3.05% 3.085%
36 month SC ($1,000 minimum) 3.15% 3.187%
48 month SC ($1,000 minimum) 3.20% 3.239%
60 month SC ($1,000 minimum) 3.25% 3.290%

Rates as of March 2, 2025. Rates are subject to change without prior notice.

Annual Percentage Yield assumes that principal and dividends remain on account for the term of the Share Certificate (SC). Dividends on 3 month SC and 6 month SC accrued daily and credited at maturity. Dividends on SC's termed 12 months or longer are accrued daily and credited quarterly. Early withdrawal penalties apply and could reduce earnings and principal on the account.

Term APR Annual Percentage Yield
From $50.00 to $2,499.99 0.01% 0.01%
From $2,500.00 and up 0.20% 0.20%
Term Annual Percentage Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Passbook 1.00% 1.004%
12 Months IRA Share Certificate 3.75% 3.803%
36 Months IRA Share Certificate 3.15% 3.187%
Term APR As Low As * Comments
Up to 5 years 4.50%  10% down payment
7 years (Minimum loan balance of $50,000.00) 5.99% 10% down payment

Used Car Loans (Maximum age of car - Last 5 Model Years)

Term APR As Low As * Comments
Up to 5 years 5.50%  15% down payment
Term Rate As Low As * Comments
Up to 4 years (Maximun loan amount - $45,000.00) - New 9.50% 25% down payment
Up to 4 years (Maximun loan amount - $45,000.00) - Used 11.50% 25% down payment

Loan Rates effective March 2, 2025. Rates are subject to change without prior notice.

Loan Rates are based on creditworthiness, loan-to-value (LTV) and loan purpose, so your rate and terms may differ. All loans are subject to credit approval.

** Members without permanent resident status may be charged up to 1.0 origination points and 0.50% added to the loan rate.

First Mortgage - Residential Conforming (non-Jumbo)

For Jumbo Mortgages  - add 0.25% to the posted rate. For multi-family property - add 0.25% to the posted rate. 

For Co-Op  - add 0.75% to the posted rate.

For CONDOminium  - add 0.25% to the posted rate.

For  Vacation Home / Second Residence - add 0.50 to the posted rate.

* Rates are based on creditworthiness, loan-to-value (LTV), occupancy and loan purpose, so your rate and terms may differ. All loans are subject to credit approval.

** Members without permanent resident status may be charged up to 1.0 origination points and 0.50% added to the loan rate.

Term Rate as Low As* Comments
1 year ARM (30 year payout) not offered  
3/1 year ARM (30 year payout) 5.75% Up to 1.0 points**
5/1 year ARM (30 year payout) 5.875% Up to 1.0 points**
7/1 year ARM (30 year payout) 6.00% Up to 1.0 points**
10/1 year ARM (30 year payout) not offered  
15/1 year ARM (30 year payout) not offered  
10 year fixed not offered  
15 year fixed 5.75% Up to 1.0 points**
20 year fixed 6.125% Up to 1.0 points**
30 year fixed (not offered on co-ops)


Up to 1.0 points**
Term Rate
Co-Maker - Up to 5 years 14.99%
Signature - Up to 5 years 14.99%
Overdraft Line of Credit 12.75%
Term Rate
Up to 5 years (Shares) 2.50% over Savings Yield
Up to 5 years (Money Market) 2.50% over Money Market Yield
Up to term of Share Certificate 2.50% over Share Certificate Yield
Term Rate as Low As* Comments
5/1 years ARM (15 year payout) 7.65% Up to 1.0 points**
Term Rate Comments
10 year balloon (10 year Draw) - Residential Ask for current rate  
5 year balloon (5 yr Draw) - Commercial Ask for current rate  

Construction and Land Loans

Term Rate Comments
Primary Residence Construction Loan  n/a not offered currently

Member Business Loans


Term Rate as Low As* Comments
5/1 ARM/15 Yr Ballon (30 year amortization) Ask for current rate Up to 1.0 points**
12 year Fixed Ask for current rate Up to 1.0 points**
12 year balloon (30 year amortization) Ask for current rate Up to 1.0 points**


INVESTMENT PROPERTY MORTGAGES (1-4 Family Residential Properties)

Term Rate As Low As* Comment
5/1 ARM / 15 Yr Balloon (30 Yr Amortization) 6.75% Up to 1.0 points**
15/1 ARM (30 Yr Amortization) 7.25% Up to 1.0 points**

* Loan Rates are based on creditworthiness, loan-to-value (LTV), occupancy and loan purpose, so your rate and terms may differ. All loans are subject to credit approval.

** Members without permanent resident status may be charged up to 1.0 origination points and 0.50% added to the loan rate.

Loan Rates effective March 2, 2025. Rates are subject to change without prior notice.